American Garage Door Factory is a superior combination of our 75 years of garage door manufacturing experience. Our experience is complimented by over 18 U.S. and Canadian patents on garage door products.

We have experience, knowledge, unique designs PLUS our many product patents. We hope this is starting to give you a little picture of us. Now add in 4 other garage door manufacturers' product knowledge, techniques and testing. The result is the American Garage Door Factory.

You may think we are a new manufacturing plant, new machine lines - truth is we are a seasoned group of experienced professionals. It really shows in all our products. Such a little extra thought goes a long way. It sets us apart from other manufaturers.

From our patented quiet rollers, hinges, and roller spacers, better, quieter and unique products is our standard. You have many choices in garage doors. When you choose one of our brands, you are making an investment in quality, quiet operation, style and a lasting garage door system.


Bob Kelley
American Garage Door Factory